If you were looking for James Howe, author of over 90 books for young readers, including Bunnicula and The Misfits, you’ve come to the right place!
If you were looking for a different James Howe, may I invite you to stick around just a little longer? I’m sure he won’t mind – whoever that other James Howe is – if you spend a little time getting acquainted with this one.
Scroll down if you want to find out what’s new – including the Graphic Novel version of my most popular book! (Hint: It’s about a vegetarian vampire bunny.)
Want to find out how that popular book came to be written? Check out “Writing Bunnicula” in the ABOUT section. In “Beyond Bunnicula” you can find out what I’ve been doing in the 40+ years since! FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions) and IAQs (Infrequently Asked Questions) have a lot of fun stuff, including my childhood oatmeal chocolate chip cookie recipe. (I still make them and they’re still delicious.)
As for those over 90 books I’ve written, they’re all there under BOOKS. You can order any of my books online. But I also want to encourage you to support your local bookstore (if you’re lucky enough to have one) and buy your books there as often as you can. And don’t forget your local library!
If you’re concerned about bullying and name-calling, you’ll definitely want to check out The Misfits.
And if you’d like to hear me sing (aw, come on), be sure to visit the MUSIC page. I’m still writing books, but I’m also writings songs these days and performing as one-half of the band Old Dogs New Tricks. The MUSIC page is all about that.
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What's New
Milo Walking
Inspired by my godson Milo when he was two, Milo Walking is the story of a boy and his mother who take a walk each morning, seeing things that are familiar and things that are new. I think this modest little book is one of the most important I’ve written. I hope children and adults alike will take its message to heart.
“Howe’s sensitive prose expertly guides readers through this sensorial adventure, offering touchstones of wonder and delight. Kikuchi’s luminous palette depicts whimsy and joy in each small moment. An enchanting invitation to go outside, take in nature … and enjoy every moment of it.” –Kirkus Reviews (starred review)
“The book celebrates a world that seems alive in every way, and is full of gifts for all who take the time to notice.” –Publishers Weekly (starred review)
“(The book) acknowledges that a young child can be making connections, thinking deeply about his experiences, and wondering about other possibilities. The softly colored illustrations reflect the warmth of the mother-son relationship and the beauty they see as they walk.” –Booklist
Bunnicula: The Graphic Novel
The long-awaited GRAPHIC NOVEL VERSION OF BUNNICULA is here at last! It’s out in hardcover and paperback and either way, it’s gorgeous and it’s hilarious! I can say that with humility because so much of what makes it so gorgeous and so hilarious are the talents of my brilliant co-author Andrew Donkin and the amazing illustrator Stephen Gilpin. I love what they’ve done, and I know you will, too! (And don’t worry, the book stays true to the original!)
(Graphic novel versions of HOWLIDAY INN and THE CELERY STALKS AT MIDNIGHT are in the works, with the same great team!)
THE MISFITS books have been rejacketed and are available as individual paperbacks and a super-cool boxed set, The Complete MISFITS Collection. I love how the cover artist connected the images from one book to the next!